Monday, October 23, 2006

One Month Old

Brady is now one month old, hard to believe, it seems like just yesterday I was pregnant and felt like I was as big as a whale...don't get me wrong I didn't mind being pregnant until I was about nine months along, when I couldn't do anything because I was on bed rest and it felt like I had to pee every five minutes. I must say I love being a Mom, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Anyways' Brady is growing like crazy and changing everyday. He is staying awake longer between naps, he is sleeping a bit longer each night, he is holding his head up for long periods and he has learned to laugh. I've also discovered that Brady doesn't like shopping, just like his Daddy. He weighed 10 lbs 11 oz. and was 23 inches long last Wednesday. Also, his Daddy has a new occupation for him almost everyday like a race car driver or UFC fighter.

Here are some of his latest pictures, it's really hard to get a picture of him when he is smiling, every time we put the camera down that's when he decides to smiles.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Aunt Becky, Brady & Cousin Emily
Brady & Great Aunt Margo
Brady with Aunt Bridgette & Uncle Mike

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


We're a little late posting for thanksgiving but better late than never. Brady took his first trip home and he did great, he slept all the way there and back. He got spoiled by everyone and now he wants to be held all the time.

On Saturday, we had Thanksgiving dinner with the Downie's. Brady got to meet all his great Aunts, Uncles & cousins on that side. He also got to meet his third cousin Trey who is 4 months old and Brady has bigger hands than him!!

Great Grandpa Downie with his 2 Great Grandsons - Trey & Brady

We had dinner with the Lather side of the family on Sunday. And of course Grandma had a wonderful spread and as usual there was enough food for an army.
Brady & Cousin Brittany
Brady & Cousin Megan

On Monday, Brady got to meet his Great Uncle Pat and Zack.

Brady went to the Midwives and he is growing like crazy already. He weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz., he's gained a pound in just under 3 weeks.

More Vistors

Four Generations

Brady & Great Grandpa Downie

Brady & Great Uncle Brian

Brady & Grandma Simpson

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Some of Brady's Vistors

Hayleigh & Emily

Brent & Christa

Great Aunt Tammy

Jen, Paige & Brent

