Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Tiger Tamer

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Four Months Old

Today Brady is four months old. This week he discovered his toes and is fascinated with trying to get them into his mouth...which is where everything ends up. We had a nice quiet weekend as Brad enjoyed the end of his two week holidays. Today Brady & I met Christa in Kitchener for lunch. And when we got home Grandma & Grandpa Downie & Great Grandma were here for a visit.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Play Time

It's amazing how quickly Brady is growing and developing. He is watching and studying all of our facial expressions, words & sounds. He likes to make car sounds and roaring sounds. He is enjoying his Exersaucer as he loves to stand up. On Thursday, he rolled from his tummy to his back for the very first time. It happened so fast, that he didn't know what to think. Unfortunately, Brad missed it and Brady refused to do it again for him. Then last night, Brady & I went to visit Jen & Paige and he rolled over again...Brad missed it again.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Years

This year was a very quiet New Year's celebration at home just the three of us. Brady didn't make it to midnight and I just barely made it myself. The night before Brad and I went out for a lovely dinner just the two of us, it was the first time we've been out for dinner since before Brady was born. Jen, Brent and Paige babysat Brady for us. Thanks again guys. Last week was challenging, Brady got his first cold and then he was kind enough to share it with Brad and I. We are all almost back to normal now, a few sniffles here and there.