Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ten Months Old!

Brady showing off his two bottom teeth!

Our Summer Vacation

We rented a cottage with Jen, Brent & Paige for the Toyota shutdown. It was home away from home, which is why we choose to rent a cottage rather than try and take the kids camping. The cottage came with a washer, dryer, dishwasher, two full baths, the floors were marble and hardwood and granite countertops. We were about a 15-20 minute drive from Orillia in a little community called Lagoon City. All of the cottages backed onto lagoons which lead out to Lake Simcoe. Our cottage was about a 2 minute walk to the sandy beach. We also had a canoe and paddle boat. We were able to do lots of fishing, although they were all too small to keep so we had to throw them back in. I kept Brad busy by getting him to put on the worms and taking off the fish that swallowed the hook...I told him I was getting him ready for fishing with Brady. In my defense, I was able to get off the fish that didn't swallow the hooks.

We spent the week relaxing, taking naps and eating great. We spent most afternoons at the beach with the kids, we had some great fish and chips in Orillia the one day, Jen & I went shopping at some of the neat little shops in Orillia one afternoon and the guys went to Casino Rama one they didn't win big, just broke even.
Below: Brent playing in the sand...hogging the kids toys!!

Above: Brad & Brady have an afternoon nap on the big loveseat!

Above: Brady really wanted to touch the fish that Mommy caught.
Below: Brady & Daddy fishing.

Play Time
Splash Time

Pictures of the Cottage...yes, this is a cottage, many of the cottages in Lagoon City look like big houses or mansions!

Left: This is where Brady the closet of the master was huge, we probably could of fit another playpen in that closet & still had room.

This is the view of our lagoon.
Left: This is the kitchen & dining area.
Below: Dining area & living room

Friday, July 06, 2007

First Shiner!

Brady got his first shiner last week. And no, Brad did not rush him to the hospital...he was very calm and was able to distract Brady quickly when he put ice on it and only a few tears were shed. Brady slipped on a toy on the hardwood floor and on his way down, he caught the corner of his eye on his toy box. Luckily, he missed his eyeball and the mark is now all healed up!

His first tooth came through last Wednesday and the second one broke through the following Friday. I realized when I looked back in his baby book, that we have been waiting for 2 months for them two teeth to break through...they don't come quick! Unfortunately, his sleeping patterns haven't changed yet & he is still waking up twice a night! It's amazing how sharp them little teeth are even when they are not through all the way...he bite me last night and it we have to teach him not to bite people.
Brady got to met Chuck at Uncle Pat's.
Brady & I visited Uncle Pat, Aunt Jackie and the new baby Brianna this week. She is so alert and adorable! Brady got a little jealous when I was holding her so I didn't get to hold her long but she feel like she is light as a feather. He was really interested in her and wanted to touch her but I wouldn't let me because he is not gentle.

While we were home for a few days this week, we also got to spend some time with Keegan. The night we went to his house, Keegan wasn't too sure if he wanted Brady to play with all of his toys...he takes after his Daddy. Brady tried to teach Keegan how to crawl and apprently it worked, a little because Keegan was crawling the next day but the following day, he wouldn't.
As you can tell from the pictures of the boys in the Little Tike's car, they were sharing and getting along great! They were putting their arms around each other & giving kisses...Keegan even got to chew on Brady's nose! Here's the horn!

The boys playing in Keegan's tent full of balls!

Brady learned to climb up a slide by himself.
Grandma & Brady
Aunt Diane & Bryce supervise Brady while he climbs the slide!