Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eleven Months Old

Brady was eleven months old, how time flies by. In the picture above, he is doing what I call his "monkey crawl", which he does when he is crawling in the grass. Brady is doing so much now, he is nodding his head yes and saying Hey, Hi, Up, Deiter, Kitty and of course Momma & Dadda...most of the words he randomly says, I'm not sure that he knows what they all mean yet. He is trying to climb up on everything and becomes frustrated when he can't get up on the furniture. He has even figured out that there are some things that he can push over to the couch to get a step up onto the couch. Over the last couple of weeks he had started standing up on his own, slowing kneeling back down to the ground and he lets go of furniture and doesn't realize that he standing on his own. Left: Brady playing in his sandbox.
Below: Brady cleaning out his kitchen cupboard, it gets loud when the pots & pans come out.

Last week we went to the African Lion Safari with Troy, Stacey, Avery & Jenna Turner and I think Brady had more fun watching the girls then he did looking at the animals. When I was telling Brad about our day at the zoo, every time I said Avery or Jenna's name, Brady laughed. And this past weekend we went to a BBQ at the Janssens and got to see lots of people I haven't seen in a long time...Brady wanted to play with Kaitlyn but didn't quite understand why he couldn't touch her. Below: Becky Shaw holding 4 month old Kaitlyn.
We also got to visit Uncle Pat, Aunt Jackie and Brianna. Brianna is 11 weeks old and she was having a great time in her jolly jumper when we got there. She got a kick out of Brady, she was watching him and giggling away.

This week is our last week of swimming lessons but we are going to sign him up again because we all enjoy it so much.

I'm not sure why our vacation pictures didn't post on the blog and I haven't yet had time to try to re-upload....I will try it again...some day soon, if I get some spare time!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Brady starting swimming lesson at the beginning of August and goes for twice a week for four weeks. He is doing great, he loves to splash and yell at the other kids. He doesn't mind going under water. In this picture, Brady is suppose to be blowing bubbles but he really likes to drink the water. Although, he is getting better and Daddy has him starting to try to blow bubbles.

He is suppose to be swimming on his back and kicking his feet but this is the one position he doesn't prefer. He would rather just relax on his back or try & flip over so he can see Mommy or Daddy.
Here is he floating on his boggey board and kicking his feet.

Below: Daddy & Brady are relaxing and warming up in the warm pool. It feels like a big hot tub and is a great ending to each lesson.

Oring is teasing Brady for once, since Brady can't reach him.
Oring is letting Brady know that he has had enough of his fur and tail being pulled and he has the claws out as a warning. Brady knows that once the claws come out, Oring has had enough and Brady will usually leave him alone.
Oring being a good sport & letting Brady pull his tail!
Brady pulling Oring's whiskers.
Brady playing with Aunt Becky's new puppy Max. He wasn't sure what to think of all of Max's kisses.

Monkey Brady climbing up Grandma Cindy's couch to look out the window.

Brady climbing our stairs. He is now trying to figure out a way down them but hasn't had much luck...yet.

Brady & Grandma Cindy
Daddy giving Brady a ride in the clothes basket.

Congratulations Wayne & Trish, the happy couple were married on Aug. 4th!