Monday, December 17, 2007

Brad's Birthday

We celebrated Brad's Birthday and the kids exchanged Christmas gifts this past weekend with friends at Jen & Brent's.

Brady is ready for Christmas and he has tried to get a head start on the gifts under our Christmas tree. He likes to rip the wrapping paper. This year he doesn't like Santa and he's not sure of the fake decoration Santa's...he keeps his distance.

Below: Brady & his girlfriends; Kailee, Emily & Hayleigh

Fun in the snow!
Left: Grandpa taking Brady for a ride on his Tonka.

Our first big snow fall, Mommy, Daddy & Brady built a sad looking snowman in the snow and freezing rain. Not so surprising, the snowman fell down when we went back in the house so we didn't get to finish it! Above: Brady after his second hair cut in two months.

Daddy & Brady enjoying some chocolate ice cream.