Saturday, January 12, 2008


Eating snow for the first time.
Not sure if I like it...
Helping Daddy build a snowman.
Daddy building Brady a snowman.
Help I've fallen & can't get up.
Brady & his new snow shovel.
Brady with his mohawk, he woke up with it & had it most of the day.
Brady splashed himself & wasn't too happy with the bubbles in his eye.
Bathtime with Paige
Not sure how long they will be able to bathe together, but I'm sure their Daddy's will voice their opinion when it's time.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Christmas 2007

Christmas Morning at home

Simpson Family Christmas
Daddy building Brady a tower with his new mega blocks from Aunt Becky & Emily.

Lather Family Christmas

Brady helps Aunt Diane open her present.

Brady on his new tricycle from Grandma & Grandpa. Below: Brady shares his water with Grandpa's chimp.

Dance Dance Revolution
Brady trying to copy everyone's dance moves! Below Left: Megan tries Dance Dance Revolution. Below Right: Even my Dad tried it out and finds out it's not as easy as it looks!

Brittany is the champion of Dance Dance Revolution...she should be after doing it all Christmas day and night. Here she is doing it with Keegan in her arms and keeping up!
Brad tries to keep up with Brady in his arms and doesn't have much luck keeping up...however Brady enjoyed it! Brad was the second runner up for the Dance Dance Revolution, he played it all afternoon and most of the night with Britt.

Downie Family Christmas
Brady learning to play poker...and losing all of Uncle Greg's chips!
Brady going to for a ride in Great Aunt Fran's Beatle Rocking Car!

Sleepy Boy!

This is a video of Brady falling asleep while Brad feeds him lunch. He plays really hard at the babysitters and always comes home tired.