Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brady's Second Birthday!

Brady's cake that took me over 2 hours to decorate.

Finger licking good!

Keegan enjoying some chips & dip.

A visit to the Brantford Zoo so Brady could feed the monkey's peanuts. This is the baby baboon enjoying a peanut. Brady found the shelled peanuts at the grocery store one day, he told everyone he met in the store that the peanuts were for the monkeys. I would say his favourite place next to the beach is the zoo.

Playing with water balloons!

Summer Fun...

Brady's dirt track that he made all by himself, no one helped him, it was his own idea.

Thumbs Up!
Horse Ride at the Zoo.
A treat after the zoo...a big sucker!
Stopping to feed the ducks & swans.

Playing in the dirt.
Tiring out Granpda!

Petting the horse at our Quinton Family Reunion this summer which was held at a great campground near Cookstown.

Camping at Pinehurst Conservation Area
Playing in a bucket of water with Paige at our campsite.
A family picture around the campfire!

Fun at the beach! Which is one of Brady's favorite places. About a month after camping at Pinehurst, we drove by and Brady got excited because he thought we were going to the beach, he recogonized the campground.

Sharing goldfish with Kaitlyn.

A walk with Grandma Cindy along the big river.

Playing on Victor's tractor.
Playing in the water sprinkler with the neighbour's Cody & Mikayla.