Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter at the Simpson's

The Easter Egg Hunt...

The food...

Rocking out with some Rock Band...

Enjoying Kristie's cute Easter cupcakes...

Brady trying to lick all the icing off the jelly beans & his plate.

The Easter Bunny Came...
He forgot about the Easter Bunny coming, he was concerned with where is cousin Bradley? Bradley spent the night and Brady wanted him to sleep in his room on the floor so when he woke up and he wasn't there, he was concerned but he found him asleep on the couch downstairs. He got pretty excited as he was coming down the stairs and could see that the Easter Bunny came to his house. The Easter Bunny brought Brady a new sand & water centre. He wanted it filled with water as soon as we put it on the deck, hopefully we can hold him off until it gets hot.

Brady's new Thomas the Train sleeping bag. He is ready for camping and fishing.

Brady got a "Towmater" tricycle from Grandpa & Grandpa....that's what Brady calls his Grandma & Grandpa when he gets excited and says it really fast....he can say both Grandma and Grandpa clear as day but when he puts them together, it comes out "Grandpa & Grandpa". Grandpa couldn't wait until Brady's birthday to get him the bike. Brady got to help Grandpa put it together. Below Grandpa is pushing Brady around with a broom stick...Brady was telling him to go faster!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Some Favorites...

Brady getting his certificate from Gymtots after completing his first session.
Brady jumping on the trampoline.

Daddy & Wendy (his coach) help him on the balance beam.

Brady taking a break on the balance beam!

Our monkey Brady just hanging around!

Here is he just swing on the rings.

Brady & Daddy practicing casting with Brady's new Spiderman fishing rod. He got one last year from Grandma & Grandpa but we lost it in during the move....until this weekend, when it was found in a tote with the sandbox toys. Here they are in the backyard and teasing the cats. Brad did take him fishing on the Thames in Ingersoll and Brady liked it even though they didn't catch any fish. He loves fishing...guess it's in his blood.

Brady being cute and gave the baby a kiss. The baby that he says is still a baby sister!?! 15 weeks to go...

Brady & Uncle BJ

This is a playdough tractor that Brady & Grandpa made this weekend. Brad & I went to Niagara Falls with Jay & Tiff for our fifth year anniversarys. Grandma & Grandpa came to babysit Brady this past weekend. They took him to Bryce's hockey game in St. Thomas and then to McDonald's for supper. In the morning, they took him out for breakfast, he told them he wanted pancakes and when Grandma's eggs came, he ate her two eggs, a pancake and more! He loves his breakfasts.