Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Brady picked Brad out a masked while we were shopping for a Halloween costume. He chose Larry, Curly or Moe...I forget which one it was but I put it away and come Halloween day, I couldn't find it anywhere; I searched high and low. So Brad ended up wearing this funny wig which if you knew him 15 years ago, it looks alot like his hair then...maybe a little shorter.

Prior to costume shopping, Brady wanted to be a pirate. We have no idea where he got this from but he was set on it until we got to Value Village and he found a fireman costume. So, he played with the fireman jacket and helmet for a couple of weeks and then the day before Halloween while we were at Zellers he decided that he wanted to be Spiderman. Thomas was our little caterpiller. He really didn't mind the costume but this was the only picture I got of him alone; he was tired and ready for bed. Thomas stayed home with Mommy and handed out candy while Brady and Daddy went out trick or treating. They were out that long, Brady got tired and wanted to go home. He had a great time handing out candy to the kids.

The Carving of the Pumpkins...

Brady again this year, didn't like putting his hand in the pumpkin to clean out the guts. He tried putting his hand in with his work gloves on and got a little upset because his gloves where dirty and he wanted them washed right then. As for the hockey helmet, to Brady it's a lost toy found again and he's been wearing it for a week. Luckily, he's not asking to wear his skates!

Fun Fall Days

It's funny when Brady was a baby, we were posting everything he did on the blog and took tons of pictures. Poor Thomas gets to suffer the second child syndrome and gets the odd update and picture. At three months old, he is up to 14 lbs and 26.5 inches. He is a very vocal baby, he has been ever since the day he was it's less crying and more gigles and baby talk. He adores his big brother and Brady loves him. Brady likes to help still, he will even tell me that it's okay, he's got him when he gets fussy. Thomas has discovered his tongue and likes to chew on it and stick it out.

Brad took a picture of Brady & I going for a walk one evening. He somehow caught us in these sunstreams.
Brady enjoying the mud puddles.

Cousin Megan meeting Thomas.
Gram at Thanksgiving with all of her grandkids and great grandsons.

The first snow fall of the year; Brady couldn't wait to go outside and play in it.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Brady's 3rd Birthday

Brady asked for a Mater towing Lightning McQueen cake. I thought that would be a little too hard and too much cake so I just made the Tow Mater cake. It was pretty easy, it didn't take more than 2 1/2 hours to last year's cake. Brady had a party Saturday then Sunday we did a family tour of Toyota and then went to Jen and Brent's for supper. On Monday Grandma and Grandpa brought Britt & Bryce up for his birthday. Brad called Monday from work to wish Brady a Happy Birthday since it was his actual birthday and he thought his birthday was over because his birthday cake was all gone.

The kids enjoying cake!
