Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brady's Hair Cut!

Brad took Brady to get his hair cut which he is always good. He likes to chat it up the hairdressers and get a sucker at the end. A few days later, after his bath, he decided to cut his own hair with his safety scissors...who knew safety scissors would cut hair. When I caught him, he wouldn't tell me what he had done and I was trying not to laugh. Brad came in the room and took his scissors away from him...he got upset and cried...I am not sure if he cried because Daddy took his scissors away from him or because he thought he was in trouble. He didn't get in trouble, although he still doesn't have his scissors back...guess we never gave them back since he hasn't asked for them. Grandpa made everything okay, he told Brady that Mommy use to cut Aunt Diane and Steve's hair...I'm not sure that's something a 3 year old should be told that or not!

Thomas 7 Months Old

Thomas at 7 months was 18.8 pounds and 28.5 inches long. He is growing up sooo fast!
Here is serious Thomas and his joker brother Brady.

Daddy's next big flirt in training!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Baby's 6 Months Old

Thomas turned 6 months old January 12th. He cut his first tooth cut which was alot worse than I remember any of Brady's when they came in. Although, Brady didn't get his first tooth until he was nine months old. Thomas is growing like crazy and already weighs 17.8 pounds and is 27 inches long. He is just like Brady was, he loves to be held or being busy by jumping in his jumper or playing in his exersaucer or watching big brother play.

Thomas loves solid food. He likes to yell at us to let us know when we aren't feeding him fast enough. He likes all the fruits and vegetables he has tried so far, even peas. He sometimes makes a little face when he tries something new but then he eats it all up. He isn't sure about drinking water from a sippy cup yet; he would rather just chew on the cup.

The Simpson boys meeting Grayson