On Brady`s first day of school, he woke and was excited to get dressed in his school clothes. However while getting dressed, he told me that he didn't want to go to school, he doesn't like school, he hates it. I told him that he needs to go to school before he can make that decision. He needs to go to school because his new teacher will be waiting for him.
Brad and I let him decide if he wanted us to drive him in or ride the bus. Brady wanted us to drive him and he didn`t want us to leave. Once we got there, he wouldn't leave Mommy's side. So Mommy got to line up in the train with Brady and his class and go into the school. Once inside Brady had a melt down; crying, screaming and yelling. All the other poor kids in his class had terrified looks on their faces. The teacher took all the other kids into the classroom. An EA stayed with us and once he calmed down and got comfortable with her, I tried to leave again...well he started all over again. So finally after about 45 minutes, Mommy had to walk away from her screaming kid. It turns out he calm down just after I left and had a good day, we had no phone calls from the school although Mommy worried all day about him.
When we returned to pick him up at the end of the day, his teacher told us that he was good, he participated in class and played with the other kids. He was ready and fine with going on the bus. However, he seen his Dad and wanted to ride home with us. His first day was not how I imagined it, I knew it was going to be hard for me but I had no idea. I didn`t cry, although I was close to tears a few times but I had to suck it up and be strong for Brady. We put him in preschool and day camps to get him ready for school. For both of them he said he didn`t want to go at first but once he got there and seen all the kids, he didn`t look back and loved it...that`s what I anticipated for his first day of school. He told us that had fun, he made new friends and he played all day.
Mr. Independent putting his shoes on.
Brady standing out front his "big" school.
Brady getting on the bus his second day of school. There were no tears today. He did tell me when he woke up that he didn't want to go to school but after breakfast he was asking when the bus was going to be here. Luckily for us, the neighbour boy is his bus buddy and helps him on the bus, gets him from the bus to the school and back to the bus at the end of the day. I think Brady loves to ride the bus, although he hasn't said that yet.