Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fun at Bath Time

Friday night was a movie night with Melissa and I was lucky enough to have her bring me supper. Saturday, Brad & I went on a long awaited date, just the two of us. My parents babysat Brady and before we left, I was giving them a run down of instructions and warned them of his fussy time. Grandpa didn't beleive that his little angel Grandson gets grumpy....well Brady showed them, I guess he cried for about an Grandpa believes Brady has a fussy time. They tried everything to calm him down & the thing that worked was laying him on the couch by himself. Overall it was a great night; my parents enjoyed their time with Brady, Brad & I seen a good musical comedy called Sex & The Second City and Brady ended up sleeping for about 8 hours that night, which is his longest stretch yet. So whatever Grandma & Grandpa did while we were gone, worked great and they can come back & babysit anytime. We had a lovely visit with Wayne, Trish & Keely on Sunday. Wayne suggested that we shave Brady's hair to give him a mohawk since he has a thick patch of hair in the middle of his head...I think we'll hold off on that for awhile but in the mean time, here is a sample of what Brady would look like with a mohawk.

At four months old, Brady is 14 lbs, 14 oz. and he is 26.5 inches long. He got his four month needles and they went way better than the two month, he cried but it wasn't half as bad as the first needles. He also got some rice cearel for the first time this week. He didn't mind it at all, he barely made any faces and he really wanted to play with the spoon. I think he enjoyed getting the sticky cearel all over his Daddy's hands. Brady also enjoys bath time, as he gets to play with the wash cloths.


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