Monday, April 23, 2007

Seven Months Old

Brady is officially crawling, it has been confirmed by other parents. He's been trying for awhile and I knew it was a form of crawling but I didn't want to jump the gun, if he wasn't actually crawling. He can go from a sitting position to crawling however, he gets frustrated when he can't get from crawling to sitting.

On Saturday, Brad, Brady & I went to a pancake breakfast in Ayr. We went to a lovely park in Woodstock with Jen, Brent, Paige, Bubba, Joanne and Bradden. It was Brady's first trip to the park, he loved the swings and he didn't mind the slide. He loved watching all of the kids play. I think Brent had fun playing on the see-saw with Paige. We tried to get pictures of the three kids sitting together but there was no way Bradden would sit long enough.
He is very busy, trying to get everything he's not suppose to have like the remote or telephone. I got him a pair of sunglasses and unfortunately, he thinks they are a new chew toy and doesn't leave them on. Fortunately, I was able to get a picture of Brady wearing his new sunglasses.

I am amazed by his incredible upper body strength and is trying to pull himself up. He pulled himself from a sitting position to standing up on Friday night in his crib. He was holding onto the railing for dear life with a huge grin on his face. Last Friday, he started saying DaDa but I'm not sure that he realize what that means because the week before he was saying BaBa. As you can see from the picture of Oring and Brady, the cat doesn't mind the abuse, every so often he goes back for more.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Congratulations Amy & Greg

Amy & Greg had a baby girl last night and everyone is doing well!! More details to follow, unfortunately, we weren't home when Amy left us a message today.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!

We had a very busy weekend but we got to eat lots of good food and see most of our families. Thursday night Jen, Brent & Paige came over for a visit. Paige had a lot of fun putting her feet in Brad's gaint shoes...her poor feet probably still smell from Brad's shoes! On Friday, Brad made us pancakes for breakfast before leaving for Bothwell....Brady didn't like his Daddy's pancakes, may have been because his little baby pancake didn't have any syrup or butter on it. That night we had dinner at the Lather's and played some cards. All of the grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren were there so Gram got her picture taken with all of us. It looks like Keegan has almost caught up to Brady in size. Brady tried mashed potatoes but he didn't like them, they made him gag. Although he enjoyed the cool whip that his Grandpa gave him.

On Saturday, we traveled to Port Lambton so Brady could meet Kendra & the Benedict Boys, they were home from Alberta for Easter. We went to the O'Leary's for a quick visit and their two boys enjoyed beating up Brad. That night we had dinner at Brady's Great Grandpa Downie's house, we played cards and watched Montreal lose to Toronto. Brady got to wear Great Grandpa's cowboy hat. Below is Aunt Fran and her grandson Trey. Brady wouldn't let his Great Aunt Dianne rock him to sleep but he did let me get a picture of the two of them.

Sunday, we went to Joe & Linda's for the Field Easter Dinner. Brady loved all of the little kids and babies he got to play with. Linda figured there were more than 45 people there because she ran out of forks. Normally, their house is huge but it didn't seem that way on Sunday. Below Brady is playing with his cousin Hunter who is 10 months old.

Here Brady is with all of his Easter presents, surprise he got spoiled by everyone! His Grandma Simpson got him the huge chocolate bunny and the big blue Easter bunny. His Aunt Becky & cousin Emily got him the dump truck & mega blocks. Grandma & Grandpa Downie got him a short outfit. Jen, Brent & Paige got him the ducky which is a puppet that quacks to 3 different songs. Great Gram got him a new bib for his first Easter. And last but not least the Easter Bunny brought him a Tickle me Elmo. This morning, Brady and Daddy had an Easter egg hunt. Our cats made this hard because they wanted to play with all of the eggs that were within their reach.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Spring has Sprung

Hopefully, spring is here to stay and there's no more of the white stuff! The crocus' are out in my garden, already.
Brady & I got out for lots of long walks last week and we even got Brad to come with us, for a few short walks. We went for Brady's six month needles last week and he did pretty good considering they jabbed his two little thighs with needles, each time he gets his needles the screaming gets shorter than the last time. He now weighs 17 lbs. & 4 oz. and he is 27 1/2 inches long....the nurse tells us that he is tall for his age, but we already know that because he grows out of his clothes like crazy. He is now trying fruit and likes everything that we have given him so far.

This past weekend, Grandma & Grandpa took Brady to his first hockey game and I'm told that he sat for a long time on Grandpa's knee interested in the game. He also met a couple of young girls from Bothwell that wanted to take him home. Brad & I went to Toronto for the night to celebrate our anniversary. It was our first night away from Brady and it was a little tough on me at first, but I got over it quickly knowing Brady was in good hands. When we were waiting to be seated at the restaurant and Brad gave me heck for swaying...I told him it was hard to stop swaying when I see other parents with their little kids! Anyways' Brad & I had a great night out, just the two of us and Brady was a good boy for Grandma & Grandpa.

This is his new face that he loves to make along with a snorting sound! He is learning to wave, he likes to wave to himself for least he is trying, we've been trying to get him to wave for awhile now. Today, he started to whistle, at least that is what it looks like he is doing, I haven't figured out what exactly he is trying to do.