Monday, April 23, 2007

Seven Months Old

Brady is officially crawling, it has been confirmed by other parents. He's been trying for awhile and I knew it was a form of crawling but I didn't want to jump the gun, if he wasn't actually crawling. He can go from a sitting position to crawling however, he gets frustrated when he can't get from crawling to sitting.

On Saturday, Brad, Brady & I went to a pancake breakfast in Ayr. We went to a lovely park in Woodstock with Jen, Brent, Paige, Bubba, Joanne and Bradden. It was Brady's first trip to the park, he loved the swings and he didn't mind the slide. He loved watching all of the kids play. I think Brent had fun playing on the see-saw with Paige. We tried to get pictures of the three kids sitting together but there was no way Bradden would sit long enough.
He is very busy, trying to get everything he's not suppose to have like the remote or telephone. I got him a pair of sunglasses and unfortunately, he thinks they are a new chew toy and doesn't leave them on. Fortunately, I was able to get a picture of Brady wearing his new sunglasses.

I am amazed by his incredible upper body strength and is trying to pull himself up. He pulled himself from a sitting position to standing up on Friday night in his crib. He was holding onto the railing for dear life with a huge grin on his face. Last Friday, he started saying DaDa but I'm not sure that he realize what that means because the week before he was saying BaBa. As you can see from the picture of Oring and Brady, the cat doesn't mind the abuse, every so often he goes back for more.


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