Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's a Baby Boy!

Thomas Patrick Simpson was born Sunday July 12 at 4:05 pm. He was 7 lbs and 12 oz, 20 inches long. He seems so much smaller than Brady...what a difference one inch and two pounds can make. I delivered him at home with the help of Brad and my two midwives. My midwife had told me to expect my labour to be half the time of what I had with Brady which was 6 hours but it turns out, I was in labour for the same amount of time, luckily I spent less time pushing.

Below: Brady gets to meet his new baby brother Thomas, while he was just minutes old.

This is Thomas getting looks a little funny but if you seen how much stuff the midwives have to bring to a birth, you will know why their scales are so compact.

We had to use the Thames Valley Midwives out of London, since we moved we couldn't use the Cambridge Midwives again. Midwives are fantastic, the care they provide is amazing and I highly recommend them to anyone whether you are planning a home birth or a hospital birth. Brad likes the home birth because when he was hungry, he could go downstairs and get something to eat, he didn't have to worry about missing anything.

These were our midwives that delivered Thomas. They have you meet different midwives throughout your pregnancy so you are familar with them incase your primary midwife is busy or on holidays. My primary midwife was called out to a birth in the middle of the night so I had two midwives that I hadn't met before...but they were great! Below: Brad, Danielle, Thomas, Beth & Mojgan

Daddy with his boys!

Grandma and Grandpa with their grandsons. They took care of Brady and kept him occupied while I was in labour. They took him shopping and he got a new fire truck. He has used the siren a few mornings this week to wake everyone up.

Proud Big Brother Brady gets to hold Thomas. Throughout my pregnancy Brady said that he was getting a baby sister, the odd time he would say a baby brother. Once he when asked what was in Mommy's belly, he said a baby sister. Then he was asked if that meant a boy or a girl, he said a boy. Brad was sure the baby was a boy all along. I had no feeling, which is kinda funny since when I was pregnant with Brady I was positive he was a boy.

Brady & Thomas relaxing in Brady's bed.

Our visitors:

Aunt Diane with her nephews!

Great Gram with Thomas

Great Aunt Tam with all of her great nephews!

Cousin Brittany with Thomas.

Zac, Great Aunt Jackie holding Thomas, Brittany holding Brianna and Bradley.

Great Aunt Jackie holding Thomas.

Cousin Zac holding Thomas.

Cousin Bradley holding Thomas.

Brianna, Brittany and Thomas.


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